Compton Bassett Parish Council
A green valley in Compton Bassett A green valley leading to Starve Knowle The old cricket pitch at Compton Bassett Winter sunset over Manor Farm Compton Bassett Holstien cows from the manor farm herd

Welcome to
Compton Bassett Parish Council Website

Committed to serving 240 parishioners
In any way that enhances village life

Promoting the best interests of the parish

Meets every six weeks at the Benson Hall
You are very welcome to attend

Hosting an Annual Community Meeting
held in May of each year

About Compton Bassett Parish Council

Compton Bassett Parish Council

Compton Bassett Parish Council

The Parish Council is committed to serving all 240 or so parishioners in any way that enhances the quality of life for all in Compton Bassett and promotes the best interests of the parish. Councillors are elected volunteers who do not receive any payment for their services.

The Parish Council meets every six to eight weeks at the Benson Village Hall and an Annual Community Meeting is held in May of each year. You are very welcome to attend.

If you would like to contact us for help or information, please follow the link to our parish clerk:

Our Services

planning table

Local Area Planning

We represent your views when plans are submitted for approval that affect the village and the area. If you have concerns about a development within the parish then talk to us and we will do our best to help.

quarry dump truck

Hills Liaison Committee

Hills Group run meetings for a liaison committee twice a year covering all of their sites that are in our area and we hold two seats on the committee for Lower Compton site. Find contact details and minutes here.

committee meeting

Calne Area Board & CATG

We represent you on the Area Boards with a view of bringing local decision making back into the community. CATG is a sub-group of the Area Boards that specifically deals with highway issues.

motorway cones

Road Safety

We look at ways to improve the behaviour of road users through the village. We helped the implementation of the 40mph speed limit, speedwatch and getting better signage to promote the 7.5 tonnes limit.

caring, health and well being

Health & Well Being

Members of our parish council are able to visit the sick and elderly when a need arises. We can put them in touch with those whose role it is to help or look after them, wherever that is possible.

hi-viz waistcoat

Parish Steward

Parish Stewards are responsible for looking after the fabric of our village and take care of the smaller issues that arise from time to time. Larger projects are dealt with via a different process. We provide an immediate way of getting messages to the Parish Steward and provide you with feedback.

town or village hall

Village Hall Representation

The generosity of past residents of this parish gave a most excellent village hall for our community. Two parish councillors represent your views and wishes on the management committee to ensure that this asset of the village is run in a manner to enhance our environment for everyone's benefit.

man stood beside archive trunk

Local Heritage

The parish has an extensive history and some parishioners have acquired a wealth of documentary and photographic evidence to support that history. This resource will be available to everyone to view and the council has a great interest in preserving this facility.

hiker beside map with route

Rights of Way

With such beautiful countryside in our parish and an extensive network of footpaths and bridleways, the parish council actively support their maintenance and repair. We have specific duties for the upkeep of rights of way and will be pleased to hear of any concerns.

press reporters with newspapers in background


We have the means to get local news in front of you in a variety of ways: the village website, direct emailing, and our periodical hand-delivered newsletter Compton Bassett Matters. Our primary and most responsive connection is through this website.

map  with locator icon in the middle

Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood plan provides this parish with a positive vision for how we want our community to develop in the future. We work to maintain a relevant plan to protect the integrity of the village and to seek ways to enhance our environment for the good of all who live in it.

stack of letters

Letters of Importance 

From time to time the Parish Council send letters to other councils, businesses with an influence in our area, or individuals that we feel we should be sharing with you, and maybe any replies. In time there will be a full library of available documents. But for now there is just a couple. Click here.

Our Council Team

Peter Szczesiak

Call: 01249 815006

Charles Reis

Call: 07802 863601

Peter Barnett

Call: 01249 812274

Julian Barlow

Call: 01249 760788

Laurie Waite

Call: 07831 131171

Edward Budge 

Call: 07808 139 371

Rod Lloyd Davies 

Call: 07485 561057

Diane Zeitzen

Parish Clerk

To temporarily pause, slide progression just hold your mouse over the slides and also to reveal left and right navigation arrows.
  • 10,000 Years of History
  • The Bronze Age
  • Roman Occupation
  • The Frankpledge system
  • The Tithingman
  • A Parish Council born
  • Compton Cumberwell
  • Parish Council Spending 18th Century
  • Compton Bassett Poor Law
10,000 Years of History1 The Bronze Age2 Roman Occupation3 The Frankpledge system4 The Tithingman5 A Parish Council born6 Compton Cumberwell7 Parish Council Spending 18th Century8 Compton Bassett Poor Law9

Contact Compton Bassett Parish Council

Contact us

The Parish Clerk

Clerk to Compton Bassett Parish Council: Diane Zeitzen

Postal Address

2, New Cottages

Compton Bassett



SN11 8RE

Mobile: 07828 630764